Dr. Steven Liang Clinic specializes in unique combined therapies - Herbal Therapy, Acupuncture Therapy, Qigong Therapy and Combined Therapy. Dr. Liang, a registered Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncturist of British Columbia, has more than 45 years of experience in acupuncture, acupressure, and traditional Chinese medicine.
Since Traditional Chinese Medicine is widely used to improve your body's health and well-being, and to stimulate your immune system, so as to prevent the occurrence of illness and disease, the healing process could be speeded up by combining various kinds of traditional Chinese therapies such as Herbal Therapy, Acupuncture Therapy, Acupressure Therapy, and/or Qigong Therapy
After a thorough check-up, based on principles derived from 5,000 years of Traditional Chinese Medicine research, Dr
Liang will advise you on your body's condition, and on any combination of therapies you should apply to improve your body's balance and harmony, and improve your health and fitness.
Contact us to learn how Chinese Traditional Medicine can enhance your health.