So in order to treat pain and numbness using Chinese Traditional Medicine, we need to find ways to open up the meridians.
Since Dr. Liang uses combined therapies such as acupuncture, acupressure, Qigong acupuncture, herbs, and Qigong to treat pain and numbness, the balance in your body can be quickly obtained and meridians can be opened up. Once the qi can flow smoothly through the meridians the pain and numbness will be treated. Thus, patients can expect to see good results after a single course of treatment.
Below are some of the success cases:
Menstrual Cramps Linda had always have cramps for 10+ days every month for 2 years. When she came to see Dr. Liang, she couldn't work for 3 days already. After a course of acupuncture treatment (5 days), the cramps were gone and she was able to go to work again.
Back Pain from Spinal disc herniation Ms Chan hurted her back when moving something heavy. Her family doctor told her it was spinal disc herniation. She received treatment and was not completely healed. She could not even straighten her back when she came to see Dr. Liang, and it was extremely painful whenever she moved. After a course of acupuncture and acupressure treament (7 days), the pain was gone.
Tennis Elbow Mr Cheung is the head chef at a Chinese restaurant. Years of labor work in the kitchen had strained his left elbow really badly and it was painful all the time. His family doctor confirmed it was tennis elbow. He had received numerous treatments with both western and Chinese medicine and could not find relief. After a course of herbal, acupuncture and acupressure treatment (7 days), it was healed.
Rheumatic Arthralgia on both hands Mrs Mak had been bothered by Rheumatic arthralgia on both of her hands for 2 years. It hurt more at night, and it would get worse when there was a change in the weather. Sometimes it got so bad that she could not feel anything on her hands. She tried many different treatments without luck. After a course of acupuncture, qigong, herbal and acupressure treatment at our clinic (7 days), she was all healed.
Heel Spurs Mr Xie had heel spurs, so it was painful whenever he walked. He could not stand for too long neither. His family doctor recommended him to treat it with an operation. Since he did not want to do any surgeries, he came to see Dr. Liang. After 2 courses of acupunture, acupressure, qigong and herbal treatment, the pain completely went away.
Lumbar Osteophyte Mrs Mai was confirmed by X-rays that there was two bone spurs on her back. She cannot bend down at all, and it was extremely painful on her back and legs. After 2 courses of combined therapies, the pain disappeared.
Sciatica Mr Wong worked as a manager in a company in Vancouver and had been his boss' right hand man. However, he could not work at all because of sciatica and took a 3-month-leave already. After 3 courses of combined therapies (qigong, acupuncture, and herbs), he got back to work again.
Migraine Linda had always have cramps for 10+ days every month for 2 years. When she came to see Dr. Liang, she couldn't work for 3 days already. After a course of acupuncture treatment (5 days), the cramps were gone and she was able to go to work again.